Here you go guys and gals. A lovely list of addons for many differnt things. Will setup hyperlinks later today for quick access.
Some of these i've taken from the defias rp forums for those who don't use it. If you know any good ones please post below and I will update the post.
Character enhancement/profiles:TotalRP2:Contains sound files, bags, items, states, personality and description sheets and more. Definitely prefer this over MRP, although you rarely use all the functions. addon that highlights any spelling mistakes and offers suggestions when right clicking for correct spellings. addon that removes the 244 max character limit and allows you to write your emotes or whatever without boundaries. It breaks them up into smaller 244 character size chunks and posts them one by one. you to speak and understand most languages seen ingame that you normally can't for those using the same addon. Quite simple to use. To get work with TotalRP2 go: Settings > Interface > Disable (set yes) chat function & language functions. addon that shortens the chat box, gives you time messages before all chat messages, be it NPC, yell, trade, etc, as well as giving levels before names and colours names according to class. You can also set it to include RP names. up to the last 1000 lines in every channel you are in, allowing you to save or read over previous discussions/RP with ease. EnhancedAtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. Great for creating the perfect roleplay set and finding out where to get the items. Items (GHI):Most roleplayers will already know this but it's good to put here anyway. Creating custom items in-game. directly helpful to roleplaying, but awesome for finding items that match your RP sets: little addons that I use for both pve and pvp. Setup your own aura triggers. Can be anything from showing you certain cooldowns to showing you when your target is below 25% with any style of icon you want or sounds.
((link soon)
PVP:GlaidtorLOSA: ((name might be slightly off will sort late))
A addon I love more then any other. It pritty much has a lovely voice that tells you when a pvp target uses a certain spell or ability. If they trinket it tells you. If your about to be polyed it will tell you. Very nice mod to being fully aware of whats going on around you during pvp. One of my favs is fighting dks and when they use ice bound (Can't be stunned) so I know not to waste any of my stuns and when ice bound is gone it says "Ice bound down".
(link coming soon)
BattleGroundTargets:A must have if you do alot of battlegrounds. Makes a nice little bar thaty you can place anywhere on the screen showing the alliance team and what specs they are and how much hp they got. So you can see who your fighting before you even begin and can target them. So you will know who their healers are and so forth. A must have.
(Link soon)
Tidyplates:Shows little healthplates above your foes showing what debuffs or dmg over time effects you have on them or cc with a little timer. Great little addon. Another must.
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