Okay here I go.
In the guild I currently only have:
Tamarra, Sin'Dorei Death Knight. Tam.
Aside from her I have her daughters; who she is not quite aware they exist;
Tamardia, oldest daughter and now High Lady Darksun, Sin'Dorei Warlock. Sin.
Tamaria, younger daughter who haven't had contact with her mother or sister in ages, Sin'Dorei Huntress. Tammy.
And then there's the odd little alt/-s... Currently only one on DB, but will probably be more;
Tezami, Darkspear Druid who doesn't really have a history quite yet. Tez
Can update when more alts show up. I mostly play either Tam or Tammy. I want a hunter to be my main, since I still have my old one on AD who I haven't even checked in on for months ... But all of them; Tez perhaps not; are in the HoS channel.